Ngorongoro carter

Ngorongoro crater tanzania

Discover the Magnificence of Ngorongoro Crater: Tanzania's Natural Wonder

If you’re shelling out big bucks for a trip to Tanzania, and you’re excited about a safari experience, skipping the Ngorongoro Crater would be like missing the main act. Over 600,000 people flock to the Ngorongoro Conservation Area every year, and there’s a good reason why – the Ngorongoro Crater. It’s like the superstar of the Serengeti ecosystem. So, if Tanzania is on your radar for a safari, make sure Ngorongoro Crater is at the top of your must-visit list. It’s the kind of place that turns a good safari into an unforgettable one.

How Ngorongoro Crater formed

The Ngorongoro Crater, situated in the Northern Highlands of Tanzania approximately 3000 meters above sea level, stands as a geological marvel formed by the collapse of a massive volcano 2.5 millions of years ago. Revered as the “Eighth Wonder of the World,” this unbroken caldera spans 260 square kilometers, boasting a diverse landscape that includes open grasslands and the central soda lake, Lake Magadi. Its steep walls create a natural enclosure, harboring an extraordinary array of wildlife, from lions and elephants to wildebeest and hippos. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site within the broader Ngorongoro Conservation Area, the crater not only captivates with its breathtaking scenery but also serves as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of wildlife and the indigenous Maasai people.

Biodiversity and wildlife in Crater

The Ngorongoro Crater is a wildlife paradise, featuring a diverse landscape spanning 260 square kilometers. Lions roam freely, elephants graze by Lake Magadi, and rare black and white rhinos thrive here. Massive herds of zebras, wildebeests, buffalos, and gazelles create mesmerizing spectacles. Birdwatchers can delight in flamingos and raptors. With its incredible biodiversity, the crater offers a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers, capturing moments from lion hunts to the delicate beauty of birds in a breathtaking setting.

Best time to visit the Crater

Ngorongoro Crater is a year-round destination, with June to October being the best for wildlife viewing due to sparse vegetation and congregating animals near water sources. The rainy season (November to May) brings lush greenery, migratory birds, and newborn animals. For a more intimate experience and better prices, consider the shoulder season in November and May.

Getting to Ngorongoro Crater

Our multiple-day safari tours seamlessly incorporate a visit to Ngorongoro Crater, especially after exploring Tarangire National Park or Serengeti National Park. The journey from Tarangire to Ngorongoro typically takes around 3 hours, providing a smooth transition between these two breathtaking destinations. Similarly, after enjoying the wonders of Serengeti National Park, the drive to Ngorongoro is approximately 2 to 2.5 hours, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable continuation of your safari adventure. Additionally, if you’re starting your safari from Arusha (where you spend the first night before the safari), the drive to Ngorongoro takes up to 4 hours.

Accommodation For Ngorongoro crater

Mid-Range Accommodations:

  1. Ngorongoro Farm House: Nestled on a coffee plantation, Ngorongoro Farm House offers comfortable mid-range accommodation near the crater. Guests can enjoy well-appointed rooms, delicious meals, and the picturesque surroundings. The lodge provides a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

  2. Ang’ata Ngorongoro Camp: Situated conveniently near the Ngorongoro Crater, Ang’ata Ngorongoro Camp offers mid-range accommodations in a tented camp setting. With comfortable amenities and a close proximity to the crater, it provides a unique and immersive experience.

  3. Marera Valley Lodge: Situated just a short drive from the Ngorongoro conservation area, Bougainvillea Safari Lodge provides mid-range comfort with tastefully decorated rooms and a welcoming atmosphere. The lodge’s gardens and facilities offer a peaceful retreat after a day of exploring the crater.

Luxury Accommodations:

  1. Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge: Perched on the crater rim, Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge offers luxurious accommodations with breathtaking views. The lodge combines elegance with a safari experience, providing top-notch services, gourmet dining, and a range of amenities to enhance your stay.

  2. Lions Paw Ngorongoro: Offering an exclusive and luxurious experience 15 minutes away from crater floor, Lions Paw Ngorongoro provides upscale accommodations near Ngorongoro. The lodge features exquisite suites, personalized service, and exceptional amenities, ensuring a memorable stay in the heart of wildlife-rich surroundings.

  3. AndBeyond Ngorongoro Crater Lodge: Renowned for its opulence, AndBeyond Ngorongoro Crater Lodge provides a lavish safari experience. The lodge features stilted suites with lavish furnishings, personal butler service, and gourmet dining. Its location on the crater rim adds to the exclusivity of the overall experience.

Our Expert Recomendation

The recommended duration for a game drive inside the Ngorongoro Crater is typically one full day. Visitors usually spend a significant portion of the day exploring the diverse habitats and observing the abundant wildlife that inhabits the crater floor. This allows for a comprehensive safari experience, giving you the opportunity to witness various animal behaviors, interactions, and the stunning landscapes within the crater.

Consider that the Ngorongoro Conservation Area offers more than just the Ngorongoro crater itself. Explore additional attractions, including visits to Ndutu Area, renowned as the Wildebeest Calving Spot. Olduvai Gorge for walking tours and the scenic Empakai Crater and many more.Connect with us, and our team of safari experts is delighted to tailor an experience just for you.

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